Tattoos you canโ€™t ignore

Maybe it started with a small butterfly on your ankle, a word, a name, or a statement of survival on your arm with a plain black semi-colon to exclaim that your life goes on. Perhaps you prefer to keep your tat subtle, sentimental and a bit private. Or, maybe you are ready to go all out with bold, colorful statements that will not be forgotten and certainly cannot go overlooked. When thinking about whether or not to ink, and whether you love them or find them distasteful, here are some tattoos you canโ€™t ignore. You will have to admit that all of these are outright works of art, maybe even a masterpiece or two among them.

An artist who can accurately capture the way a favorite pet looks is talented in a special way. Itโ€™s difficult to capture the tones and markings of fur that make each animal unique on paper, let alone get it right with ink on skin. This intricate tattoo holds a sweet memory of a pet who is no more. The artistic representation of a much-loved dog that was once part of the family is now displayed forever, never to be forgotten.


Check out the full artistic rendering of a man in coat and hat that looks as if it stepped out of a classic movie. Or, maybe itโ€™s an image of a police sketched criminal to be avoided. You decide. Either way, itโ€™s a masterpiece of ink.

Donโ€™t turn your back on a zombie or a clown gone bad. Halloween is not just a one-day event with this full-back scary tattoo. The frightening face looks peers out from behind with its 3-Dimensional effect thatโ€™s sure to spook and impress.

Maybe color is your thing. This rose, boy and fox tat tells an entire story with one colorful picture. Is it revealing a favorite childhood night-time story book or disclosing a darker side of Grimmโ€™s fairy tales?

Either way, itโ€™s a real conversation starter and an array of hues to behold. Extend color to the depths of an entire ocean scene on the side and wrapped around an arm.

Other tattoos that are hard to overlook include a few that are a bit more toned down but steeped in sentimental meaning like these matching tats to show youโ€™re both part of the same team.

Others mark a band of eternal love instead of a gold ring. Others display halves of a lionโ€™s face only complete when youโ€™re together as a couple.
